*click on a link to read further
* 1994, Austria
lives and works in Vienna, Austria
2024 - ongoing: diploma studies, fine arts / Site-Specific Art, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria
2025 - ongoing: studies Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramics, MA, Art University, Linz, Austria
2021 - 2025: studies Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramics, BA, Art University, Linz, Austria
2021 - 2024: student assistant in the department of Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramics, Art University, Linz, Austria
2020 - ongoing: guest lecturer at FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria
2017 - 2020: founder (together with Peter Oswald) of Das Uhrwerk, offspace and studio space, Graz, Austria
2018: masters exam in bookbinding
2014 - 2016: apprenticeship in bookbinding and digital printing, Graz
2008 - 2013: HBLA für künstlerische Gestaltung, Linz
Solo (selection):
2024 If fox and hare were to say goodnight, BA exhibition, GIG Ottensheim
2024 grids, breath and a windowsill, Art Quarter Budapest, Budapest
2022 Der Schnee rund ums Haus, Parallel Vienna for Kunsthalle Graz, project statement
2022 Kunstfenster Narrenkastl, Frohnleiten
2020 Being, Afro-Asiatisches Institut, Graz
2019 Die Haut ist eine Leinwand, Das Uhrwerk, Graz
2017 Darunter, Füll' die Lück', Bordsteinschwalbe Graz
2017 Nach Strich und Faden II, Galerie Salon Gartenhaus Parterre, Berlin
2017 AUSS(INN)EN, K2, Kunsthalle Semriach in der Kunsthalle Graz
2016 Nach Strich und Faden, Gotische Halle, Graz
Duo (selection):
2024 vertical limbo, duo with Sonnhild Essl, Akademie Graz, Graz
2024 In-, out- & onwards, duo with Lauren Jetty, bb15, Linz
2023 Duo, with Tom Marseiler, Kunstuniversität Linz
Group (selection):
2025 HEAT, EFES, Linz
2024 Vienna Contemporary with Kunstraum Steiermark, Vienna
2023 Premio Faenza, MIC Faenza, 62th Faenza Prize, Italy, show of the nominated artists
2023 BestOFF Kunstuniverstität Linz, Künstler und Künstlerinnenvereinigung Maerz
2023 Alles neu ... the big change?, Kunstgarten Graz
2023 gig / pap , Galerie im Glashaus, Ottensheim
2023 Alles neu ... the big change? Kunstgarten Graz
2022 What the fem*?, Nordico Linz
2022 Gold aus Blei, Salzamt, Linz
2022 Gift - Reflexionen zu Nähe und Abhängigkeit, Schaumbad Graz
2022 BestOFF, Art University Linz
2022 Wesen & Kreaturen, Kapitel 2, <rotor>, Graz
2021 Ladies and Gentlemen - Das fragile feminisitische Wir, Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
2021 Mutantengarten, Afro-Asiatisches Institut, Graz
2021 A-8020, 14 Künstlerinnen und Künstler dieser Stadt, Kulturvermittlung Steiermark, Graz, Zagreb
2021 PK/K at Haus Wien
2021 Banale, Graz
2020 Parallel Vienna with Kunsthalle Graz
2019 Part of the Game, Kunsthalle Graz
2018 Come Back, Galerie Eugen Lendl, Graz
2017 Big Wirbel, Kunsthaus Graz
2016 Das graphische Element, Österreichisches Kulturforum, Zagreb
2023 nominated for the 62th Faenza Ceramics Prize, Faenza, Italy
2021 Morgensternpreis des Landes Steiermark and Kleine Zeitung
2021 Kunstförderungspreis der Stadt Graz
2024 two months residency at the Art Quarter Budapest, stipend of the country of Styria
2020 Collection of the City of Graz
2019 Collection of Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum
New upcoming shows will be updated soon in 2025.
GIG - Galerie im Glashaus, Ottensheim
If fox and hare were to say goodnight is an installation in which Lisa Reiter includes the space as framework for her objects and paperworks. With these, she positions herself as an observer in the sphere between public and domestic spaces, looking at topics such as social boundaries, ownership, and belonging.
Art Quarter Budapest
site-specific outdoor installation, later translated to an indoor gallery setting
paper, cardboard, tempera, wallpaste, fabric, found objects
Lisa Reiters work „Grids, breath and a windowsill“ is a site specific installation, which is located between the public and the domestic, using found materials as precisely made objects and images that build a frame around the grasp of her observations in the surrounding area in Budapest.
photography indoor views: Zuzi Simon
21,8 x 33,1 cm
12 pages, digital print on 60g/m2 paper
adhesive binding, perforated, drilled
1,5 mm grey cardboard as back
box made of 2mm grey cardboard
23,9 x 35,2 cm
blind embossed on the front and the side
The starting point for the monthly calendar are traces, dirt and fracture lines and lines in the wired glass, taken from window panes with the use of carbon tracing paper.
exhibition view, Duo with Tom Marseiler
each approx. 62 x 220 x 10 cm
styrodur, dust, dirt, washer disks
porcelain works: Tom Marseiler
Insulation boards from a house that have never been clad with a facade and have been exposed to the weather and the events surrounding the building over the years, are now found in the interior, (re)assembled as sculptures.
curational support: Anita Leisz
spacial intervention
found and already damaged spots on the walls of one floor at Kunstuniversität Linz, Brückenkopfgebäude Hauptplatz 6
deep primer, dispersion paint, dispersion adhesive, nylon flocking
dimensions variable
Finding room between opposites includes on the one hand the search for and on the other hand the visualization of all damaged areas on the walls of the entire second floor of one of the two „Brückenkopf“ buildings on Linz‘s main square. Those buildings were built between 1940 and 1943 and are part of the monumental design of the banks of the Danube in Linz planned during the Nazi regime times.
Today it houses the main location of the University of Art and Design Linz, and I am concerned about the artistic practice in such a historically charged building, the use of which turns out to be a fragile situation for me during my work.
based on the poetry collection „Mutantengarten“ by Volha Hapeyeva, Afro-Asian Institute Graz
dimensions approx. 380 x 380 x 150 cm
kerosene wax, pantyhose, nylon
Based on individually selected phrases throughout „Mutantengarten“, Lisa Reiter has created an expansive installation that attempts to atmospherically approximate the mood of the poems.
The clear construct, the net in the room on which everything hangs, relates to the structure and clear rhythm of Volha Hapeyeva‘s poems. The many individual wax cubes are suspended from this net and determine the overall form of the installation with their own weight. On the one hand, all the cubes are identical in their dimensions, and yet none of them resembles the others due to the soft black drawing of the elements made of fine pantyhose.
hebt dich auf - du fliegst in den raum
bis es zeit ist zu landen
innerhalb fester grenzen
in einem konkreten land
einer wohnung
einem anderen körper
Lisa Reiter attempts to create an expression with her work that is clear and determined, but also delicate and full of empathy - just like Volha Hapeyeva‘s poems.
If you set the entire installation in vibration, all the individual parts vibrate and it seems as if they are communicating with each other as well as with the outside world.
photography: Moritz Rzehak
130 x 200 cm
tights, copper pipe, yarn
photography: tastycreates - Peter Oswald
Herausgeberin der Website lisareiter.com
Lisa Reiter
Fenzlgasse 49, 1140 Wien
Design / Art Direction:
tastycreates / Peter Oswald
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